Refund Policy

DocaCorder Refund Policy

[Refund policy under relevant laws]

⓵ Doka Coder’s refund provisions in these Terms and Conditions reflect the “Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions,” the “Online Digital Content Industry Development Act,” and the “Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.”

⓶ In cases where it is impossible for the consumer to withdraw his/her subscription pursuant to the relevant laws and regulations in the preceding paragraph.

(1) If the product information indicates that the content cannot be cancelled.

(2) When sample products or trial products are provided

(3) There are cases where temporary or partial use is provided.

⓷ Doka Corder provides sample videos, which are provided free of charge before payment.

[DocaCorder Refund Policy]

⓵ Doka Coder applies the refund policy through these terms and conditions to clarify member convenience and settlement standards.

⓶ Members must express their intention to receive a refund to Doca Corder through wired or wireless methods. Doca Corder will receive a refund request and provide a refund as quickly as possible after confirming the member's request and refund policy.

⓷ Members may request a refund or change to Doka Coder’s paid content services in accordance with the following matters.

※ online lecture

– Before lecture replay: Full refund of already paid tuition

– Even if you do not watch the lecture, refunds are not possible after 14 days from the payment date.

– After playing the lecture: If the video has been played, no refund is possible

* The course start date is based on the video lecture opening date.

* Whether or not you take the course content is based on your history of replaying the course.

– Before the lecture begins: A full refund of the tuition fee already paid before being invited to the M-TatUp Cafe

– After the lecture begins: If the first lecture has been held, no refund is possible

⓸ Forced withdrawal: If a member is forced to withdraw from Doca Coder for violating the relevant laws and regulations and the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, the refund policy of this Article does not apply.

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