Terms of Use

hese terms and conditions apply from September 1, 2024.

Article 1 Purpose

These terms and conditions apply to users (hereinafter “members”) who access all services provided by dokacoder (hereinafter “Services”) and use all information, text, images and other materials uploaded and downloaded and displayed by users and their use of the Service. The purpose is to stipulate rights, obligations, responsibilities, and other necessary matters.

Article 2 Posting, effect, and revision of terms and conditions

① The company posts these terms and conditions during the service subscription process.

② The company may change these terms and conditions to the extent that they do not violate relevant laws.

③ Members have the right to not agree to the terms and conditions that the Company changes in accordance with the preceding paragraph. In this case, members may stop using the services provided by the Company, express their intention to withdraw, and request termination of service use. However, if the company clearly notifies the member of the contents of the changed terms and conditions and clearly informs the member that "if the member does not express his/her intention within 7 days, his/her intention will be deemed to have been expressed," the member does not express his/her intention to refuse. You are deemed to agree to these changed terms and conditions.

Article 3 Interpretation of Terms and Conditions and Exception Rules

① The company may establish separate terms of use and policies for each individual service it provides, and if the contents conflict with these terms and conditions, the terms of use of the individual service will take precedence.

② If matters not specified in these Terms and Conditions are stipulated in relevant laws and regulations, such provisions shall apply.

Article 4 Definition of Terms

① Service: Refers to all services related to dokacoder that members can use regardless of the terminal implemented with various wired and wireless devices, including personal computers (PCs), TVs, portable terminals, and telecommunication facilities.

② Member: refers to all users who have entered into a service use agreement with the company and use the services provided by the company.

③ ID: refers to a combination of letters and numbers selected by the member and assigned by the company for member identification and service use.

④ Password: refers to a combination of letters or numbers determined by the member for personal information and verification.

⑤ Domain: refers to a unique Internet address applied by a member and given by the company in order to use the service. For various services provided, the company additionally provides separate domain addresses depending on the service.

⑥ Posting: This refers to all information or materials, including text, documents, pictures, voices, links, files, or information consisting of a combination of these, that a member posts on the service when using the service.

⑦ Paid services: Refers to various online digital contents and services provided by the company for a fee.

Article 5 Conclusion of Use Agreement

① The service agreement is concluded when the member agrees to the service terms and conditions on the membership registration page provided by the dokacoder service and various services, applies for use, and the company approves the application.

② The company, in principle, approves the use of the service in the order of application for users who apply for use after agreeing to the Terms of Use. However, if there is a disruption in business performance or technology, approval for membership may be postponed for a certain period of time.

③ The company may not accept applications that fall under any of the following items or may terminate the service agreement after the fact.
- If the applicant has previously lost membership in accordance with these Terms and Conditions
- When applying using a third party's e-mail address
- If false information is entered or information that is required to be entered by the company is not entered.
- If you wish to use the service for fraudulent purposes
- If approval is not possible due to reasons attributable to the user or the application is made in violation of all other stipulated matters
- If a member is judged not to comply with the company's policies or if it is difficult to provide services
- If the member's purpose of use or method of using the service infringes or is likely to infringe upon the company's property rights or goodwill.
- Creating IDs and domains in large quantities through abnormal methods

④ The company may classify members by level according to the company policy and differentiate usage by subdividing usage time, number of usage, service menu, etc.

⑤ Members may cancel their service agreement at any time by requesting withdrawal of membership from the company.

⑥ If there is a change in the personal information provided at the time of membership registration, the member must immediately correct and record the change. The company is not responsible for any damage suffered by members due to delay in making changes.

⑦ The company may collect and use member information and other information items requested from members by adding, deleting, or changing them in accordance with relevant laws and the company's personal information handling policy.

Article 6 Personal information protection obligations

① The company strives to protect members’ personal information in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, such as the Information and Communications Network Act. Relevant laws and the company's personal information handling policy apply to the protection and use of personal information. However, the company's privacy policy does not apply to linked sites other than the company's official site.

② If the company discontinues the service or the member withdraws consent to provide personal information, the company will promptly destroy the member's personal information. However, certain information may be stored in accordance with relevant laws such as the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.

③ The company may collect additional personal information in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations with the consent of members for the purpose of improving services and introducing services to members.

④ Except in cases where there are special provisions in the law, the Company does not disclose or provide any personal information, including member account information, to a third party without the member's separate consent.

⑤ The Company may provide links and other methods to use member account information for the convenience of members in future services provided.

Article 7 Member ID and password

① Members are responsible for managing their ID and password.

② Members must not provide their ID and password for use by a third party.

③ The Company shall not be liable for any damage resulting from the use of the service resulting from a member's negligent management of ID and password, or any damage resulting from unauthorized use by a third party without the Company's intention or gross negligence.

④ If members become aware that their ID and password have been stolen or are being used by a third party, they must immediately notify the company and follow the company's instructions.

Article 8 Obligations of the Company

① The company does its best to provide continuous and stable services.

② The company must establish and operate a security system appropriate to the current level of development of Internet security technology and the nature of the services provided by the company so that members can safely use the service.

③ The company must handle opinions or complaints raised by members using the service if it deems them to be legitimate. At this time, the processing process is communicated to the customer through methods such as email and bulletin boards.

④ The company complies with laws related to the operation and maintenance of services, such as the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, the Communications Secrets Protection Act, and the Telecommunications Business Act.

Article 9 Member Obligations

① Members must not engage in any of the following acts.
- Register false information when applying for use or changing membership information
- Stealing other people’s information
- Impersonating the company's operator, employees, or company or stealing related information
- Changes in information posted by the company
- Infringement of intellectual property rights such as copyright, trade secret, and patent rights of the company and other third parties
- Actions that harass, threaten or damage the reputation of the company, other members and other third parties
- Disclosing or posting obscene, violent messages, or other information that is against public order and morals
- Obtaining other users’ information through hacking
- Other illegal acts that violate current laws and regulations

② If a member engages in an act prohibited in the preceding paragraph, the Company may take appropriate measures, such as restricting the use of the service, such as suspending the use of the service or terminating the contract, or filing a report to an investigative agency, depending on the severity of the violation.

③ Members may not transfer, gift, or lend the right to use the service or any other status under the service agreement to a third party, nor may they provide it as collateral, without the Company's explicit prior consent.

④ Members must comply with the relevant laws, the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, the usage guide and notices announced in relation to the service, matters notified by the Company, and must not engage in any other acts that interfere with the Company's business.

⑤ Members may not engage in sales/advertising activities contrary to the purpose and method of use set by the Company without the Company's prior permission, and members' use of the service must not infringe upon the Company's property rights, goodwill, or business model.

Article 10 Provision and change of services

① The company provides the following services to members.
- dokacoder online lecture video service
- All services provided to members through additional development by other companies or through partnership agreements with other companies, etc.

③ The Company may temporarily suspend the provision of services in the event of maintenance inspection, replacement or breakdown of information and communication facilities, communication interruption, or significant operational reasons. In this case, the company will notify members through methods such as notice boards and emails. However, if there are unavoidable reasons why the company cannot notify in advance, notification may be made after the fact.

④ Unless the Company enters into a separate written contract with a member to grant the member an explicit right to use the brand characteristics of the dokacoder service and various services, the company or service's name, trademark, service mark, logo, domain name, and You are not granted any rights to use any other distinctive brand characteristics.

⑤ The form, function, and design of the services provided by the company may be changed or discontinued at any time if necessary. In this case, the company does not provide advance notice to members of individual changes. However, if it is judged to be unfavorable to the member, this will be notified via e-mail.

⑥ If the service provided under the preceding paragraph is changed or discontinued, no separate compensation will be provided to the member for the service provided free of charge.

Article 11 Posting of Advertisements

① The company may post advertisements using member information and information entered by customers in connection with service operation. Members agree to display advertisements when using the service.

② The Company is not responsible for any losses or damages arising from members’ participation in, communication or transactions with advertisers’ promotional activities posted on or through the Service.

Article 12 Provision of information through e-mail

① The company may provide various information deemed necessary for members to use the service to the e-mail address provided by the member.

② The company may use member information to operate the service and send advertising emails for commercial purposes. If a member does not wish to receive this service, he or she may unsubscribe at any time through the service homepage or service internal settings page.

③ In the following cases, the company may send information by e-mail regardless of the member's consent.
- When a verification email is sent to confirm ownership of the email address entered in the application for use
- If a member's information has changed and a verification email is sent to confirm
- When the company determines that it is important information that members must know when providing other services

Article 13 Restrictions on Service Use

① The Company may restrict or suspend all or part of the Service without notice when a force majeure event occurs or is expected to occur, such as a natural disaster, national emergency, technical defect that is difficult to resolve, or serious change in service operation.

② The company is not responsible for any problems between members that arise in the service area as a result of using the service.

③ If a member incurs damage in using the service due to leakage of ID and password due to the member's negligence in management, or if the member's obligations are violated due to illegal use by a third party, etc., the use of the ID and the relevant domain may be restricted. there is.

④ In the process of the Company investigating violations of Article 9 of these Terms and Conditions, if it is unavoidable to protect the rights and interests of other members and maintain order in the service, such as when the member ID and domain in question are directly related to a specific violation, the relevant ID and use of the domain may be temporarily suspended. In relation to this, members may file an objection through the service website or e-mail.

Article 14 Rights and Responsibilities of Posting

① Responsibility and rights for other information such as text, images, videos, links, etc. created by members within the service (hereinafter referred to as “posts”) belong to the member who registered the post.

② The company cannot monitor and manage content created by members and is not responsible for it. The company is not responsible for and does not guarantee the reliability, truthfulness, or accuracy of posts posted by members.

③ The copyright and intellectual property rights for the service and the copyright for posts written by the company belong to the company. However, posts written individually or jointly by members and works provided pursuant to an affiliate agreement are excluded.

④ Members authorize the company to use their posts within the service for the following purposes, both domestically and internationally.
- Modifying the posting by converting or simplifying the size of the posting in order to use it within the service (including cases where the service is provided by entering a certain area of ​​a site or media operated by a third party)
- Reproducing, transmitting, or displaying posts on other sites operated by the company or on sites operated by other companies.
- Reporting and broadcasting the contents of the post to media, news agencies, etc. for the purpose of promoting the company's services. However, in this case, the company will not provide posts or member information to media, telecommunication companies, etc. without the member's individual consent.

⑤ If a member withdraws membership, all works recorded in the member's domain will be deleted. However, if the work was created through joint authorship, the corresponding post may remain in the co-author's domain, and if the work is reposted without being deleted due to being stored by a third party or copied through unauthorized copying, etc., the company is not responsible. In addition, in the case of a member who violates these Terms and Conditions and related laws, the member's ID and information will be provided to the extent permitted by the relevant laws even after withdrawal of membership in order to protect other members and be used as evidence upon request by courts, investigative agencies, or related organizations. Membership information may be stored.

⑥ Any civil or criminal liability arising from a member's posting or work infringing upon the intellectual property rights, such as copyrights, of the company or a third party shall be fully borne by the member.

Article 15 Management of posts

① If a member's posting contains content that violates relevant laws such as the Information and Communications Network Act and the Copyright Act, the rights holder may request suspension or deletion of the posting in accordance with the procedures established by the relevant laws, and the company must take action in accordance with the relevant laws. do.

② Even if there is no request from the right holder pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the Company may take temporary measures, etc. with respect to the posting in question in accordance with relevant laws if there is reason to believe that rights have been violated or if it violates these Terms and Conditions, other company policies, or related laws.

③ Posts that members have set as private cannot be viewed by anyone else, including the company. However, if information is requested from a court, investigative agency, or other administrative agency, or if otherwise required by law, other people, including the company, may view the posting.

Article 16 Service Payment and Termination

① Payment cycle
- The dokacoder service membership fee and other charges (e.g. taxes, transaction fees, etc.) incurred in connection with the use of the service are automatically charged to the registered payment method on a monthly basis on the date corresponding to the start date of the paid membership. In some cases, your billing date may change, such as if your registered payment method is not processed properly or if your paid membership begins on a date that does not exist in a particular month. Go to the dokacoder website and click the 'Payment Details' link on the 'Membership Information' page to check the next payment date and cancel the next regular payment.

To use the dokacoder service, you must provide at least one payment method. Members can update their payment method by going to the ‘Member Information’ page. dokacoder can also update a member's payment method using information provided by the payment service provider. By updating, you authorize dokacoder to continue charging your payment method. Member authorizes us to charge the payment method associated with Member's account if the primary payment method is declined or can no longer be used to pay subscription fees. Members are responsible for any outstanding amounts. If the member does not cancel the account even though the payment has not been processed properly due to expiration of the expiration date, insufficient balance, etc., the member's use of the service may be restricted until the charge is completed to the valid payment method. For some payment methods, issuers may charge members fees, such as foreign transaction fees or other fees associated with processing the payment method. Local taxes may vary depending on the payment method used. Please check with your payment method service provider for details.
dokacoder 서비스를 이용하려면 하나 이상의 결제 수단을 제공해야 합니다. 회원은 '회원정보' 페이지로 이동하여 결제 수단을 업데이트할 수 있습니다. dokacoder에서도 해당 결제 서비스 제공업체에서 제공하는 정보를 이용하여 회원의 결제 수단을 업데이트할 수 있습니다. 업데이트를 하는 경우 dokacoder에서 해당 결제 수단에 계속 청구하도록 승인하는 것입니다. 회원은 기본 결제 수단이 거부되거나 가입 요금 결제에 더 이상 사용될 수 없는 경우 회원의 계정에 연결된 결제 수단에 청구하도록 승인합니다. 미결제 금액에 대한 책임은 회원에게 있습니다. 유효기간 만료, 잔고 부족 등 사유로 결제가 정상적으로 처리되지 않았는데도 회원이 계정을 해지하지 않는 경우, 유효한 결제 수단에 청구가 완료될 때까지 회원의 서비스 이용이 제한될 수 있습니다. 일부 결제 수단의 경우, 발급자가 회원에게 해외 거래 수수료나 기타 결제 수단 처리 관련 수수료 등의 수수료를 청구할 수 있습니다. 현지 세금은 사용된 결제 수단에 따라 달라질 수 있습니다. 자세한 사항은 결제 수단 서비스 제공업체를 통해 확인하시기 바랍니다.

③ Termination
Members may cancel their dokacoder membership at any time, in which case they may continue to use the dokacoder service until the end of their monthly payment period. To the extent permitted by applicable law, payments are non-refundable, and no refunds or credits will be provided for unused months of membership or for unviewed dokacoder content. To cancel your membership, please go to the ‘Membership Information’ page and follow the cancellation instructions. If you cancel your membership, your account will automatically be closed at the end of the current billing period. You can check when your account will be closed by clicking on payment details on the 'Member Information' page. If you do not cancel the contract separately, payment will be made automatically.

④ Changes in rates and membership
dokacoder may change its service membership and fees at any time, but any changes in fees or membership will become effective at least 30 days from the date of notification to members.

Article 17 Limitation of Liability

① The Company is not responsible for any disruption in the use of the service due to reasons attributable to the member, such as failure to comply with the member’s terms and conditions, service usage methods, and usage standards.

② The company does not guarantee the reliability or accuracy of information, data, or facts posted through the service.

③ The company is exempt from liability in cases where transactions are made between members or between members and a third party through the service.

④ The Company is not responsible for the use of services provided free of charge, unless there are special provisions in relevant laws.

⑤ The Company is exempt from liability if it is unable to provide services due to natural disasters, war, service interruption by key telecommunications carriers, authentication failure of Open ID provided by a third party, technical defects that are difficult to resolve, or other force majeure.

⑥ The company is exempt from liability if the service is stopped or a failure occurs due to unavoidable reasons such as repair, replacement, regular inspection, or construction of service equipment that has been announced in advance.

⑦ Members are responsible for any damage to the computer system or loss of data or information caused by downloading or accessing specific programs or information using the company's services at their own discretion.

⑧ The company is exempt from liability if damage occurs due to the telecommunication service provider suspending or not providing telecommunication services properly.

⑨ The company shall not be held liable if any damage occurs due to reasons attributable to the member, such as a computer error, inaccurate entry of personal information and e-mail address, or negligence in password management.

⑩ The Company is not responsible for any problems that arise due to the member's computer environment or security issues that are not within the scope of the Company's management, or for problems that occur without the Company's fault, such as network hacking that is difficult to defend against with the current level of security technology. .

⑪ The company does not guarantee or take responsibility for the accuracy, content, completeness, legality, reliability, etc. of important information provided by the service, and is ultimately responsible for site deletion, storage failure, misdirection, or provision of information. does not support In addition, the company is not responsible for the reliability, accuracy, completeness, quality, etc. of information, materials, or facts posted or transmitted by members within the service or on the website.

⑫ The Company has no obligation to intervene in disputes that arise between members or between members and third parties through the service, and is not responsible for compensating for any resulting damages.

⑬ The Company is not responsible for a member's failure to obtain the expected benefits by using the service, and is exempt from liability for any damage arising from the member's choice or use of the service.

⑭ The Company has no obligation to pre-screen members’ posts before registering them or to check or review the contents of the posts on a regular basis, and is not responsible for the results.

Article 18 Governing law and jurisdiction

① The law of the Republic of Korea governs lawsuits filed between the company and members.

② Lawsuits regarding disputes arising between the company and members shall be filed in the competent court under the Civil Procedure Act.

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