privacy policy

This policy is effective from September 1, 2024.

Article 1 Consent to personal information collector

dokacoder ('URL' hereinafter referred to as 'Site') has established a procedure where customers can click the "Agree" button to the membership terms and conditions, collection and use of personal information when registering as a member of the site, and click the "Agree" button. By clicking , you are deemed to have agreed to the collection and use of personal information.

Article 2 Collection items and purpose of use of personal information

“Personal information” is information about a living individual that can identify the individual through name, resident registration number, etc. (even if the information alone cannot identify a specific individual, it can be easily combined with other information to identify the individual). (including what can be done).

The purposes for which the site collects and uses customer personal information are as follows.

General member information

- Collection period: Upon registration
- Required collection items: email, password, name
- Optional collection items: Profile image
- Purpose of use: Subscription, consultation when using the service, delivery of notices
- Retention period: Deleted immediately upon withdrawal of membership, retained for 5 years for purchasing members

Ordering Information (Subscribed Members)

- Collection time: Upon order
- Required collection items: orderer information (name, phone number), recipient information (name, phone number), payment approval information
- Optional collection items: Subscription-related messages
- Purpose of use: Payment and information for subscription products
- Retention period: 5 years

Article 3 Collection of personal information through cookies

The site uses 'cookies' to store and retrieve information about customers from time to time. Cookies are small text files that a website sends to your computer browser (Internet Explorer, etc.).

① Purpose of using cookies

- Provide differentiated information according to individual interests
- Analyze access frequency or visit time, identify user tastes and interests, and use it as a measure for target marketing and service improvement
- Provide personalized shopping service by tracking information about purchased items and items of interest.

② Operation and rejection of cookies

Cookies are stored on your computer's hard disk and identify your computer, but do not personally identify you.
Additionally, customers can set their web browser to allow/reject all cookies or require confirmation each time a cookie is saved.
However, if you refuse to store cookies, you will not be able to use some services that require login.

③ How to refuse cookie settings

A. For Internet Explorer
Tools menu at the top of the web browser > Internet Options > Privacy tab > Custom settings

B. For Chrome
Select the menu icon at the top right of the web browser > Settings > Show advanced settings at the bottom of the screen > Content settings button in the personal information section > Set directly in the cookie section

Article 4 Retention and use period and destruction of personal information

① Customer's personal information will be destroyed without delay when the purpose of collection and use, such as membership withdrawal, is achieved or there is a request for withdrawal of consent.
However, in accordance with the provisions of related laws such as the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc., if it is necessary to retain it for a certain period of time for reasons such as confirmation of transaction-related rights and obligations as follows, it will be retained for that period.

A. Article 6 of the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.
- Records regarding contract or subscription withdrawal, etc.: 5 years
- Records of payment and supply of goods, etc.: 5 years
- Records of consumer complaints or dispute resolution: 3 years

B. Article 15-2 of the Communications Secrets Protection Act
- Records of visits (logs): 1 year

C. Other related laws, etc.

② The site’s personal information destruction method is as follows.

A. Destruction procedure
- The information entered for membership registration, etc. is transferred to a separate DB (in the case of paper, a separate filing cabinet) after the purpose is achieved and stored for a certain period of time in accordance with internal policy and other related laws and then destroyed.
- This personal information will not be used for any purpose other than that for which it is retained, unless required by law.

B. Destruction method
- Personal information printed on paper is destroyed by shredding or incineration.
- Personal information stored in electronic file format is deleted using technical methods that render the records unrecoverable.

③ In accordance with Article 29, Paragraph 2 of the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc., the site notifies dormant members (members who have not used the service for the past 12 months) with a notice regarding loss of membership, and posts the notice. If there is no response within the deadline set by , your membership may be revoked.

In this case, the personal information of inactive members is stored and managed separately from the personal information of other members, and the separately stored personal information is destroyed after the legal storage period has elapsed.
If there is a request from the user among the personal information that has not been destroyed, the customer information will be provided again when service use is resumed.

Article 5 Provision to third parties

① The site does not use customers’ personal information beyond the scope notified in “Article 1 Personal Information Collection Items and Purpose of Use” or provide it to other people, companies, or organizations.
② The following are exceptions.
A. When there is a request from a relevant agency for investigative purposes in accordance with relevant laws and regulations
B. When providing information to advertisers, partners or research organizations in a form that does not identify specific individuals for the purpose of statistical compilation, academic research or market research, etc.
C. If there is a request in accordance with the procedures prescribed by other relevant laws and regulations

Even when personal information is provided in accordance with the above provisions, we will do our best to ensure that information is not provided indiscriminately and contrary to the original purpose of collection and use.

Article 6 Entrustment of handling of personal information

In order to provide better services and customer convenience, the site entrusts the handling of personal information to an external professional company as follows.

- Building and maintaining a computer system: FunnelMoa
- Payment and escrow service: NICE Payments

※ Information shared with the trustee is limited to the minimum information necessary to achieve the purpose. In addition, personal information is selectively provided to the relevant company according to the customer's service request.
※ The list of consignment companies may change depending on service changes and contract periods, and any changes will be notified in advance through notices. Short-term events will be announced individually upon participation.

Article 7 Viewing and correction of personal information

① Customers can view or correct their registered personal information at any time. Personal information can be viewed or corrected directly by clicking 『Change Member Information』. If you request viewing or correction in writing, by phone, or by email to the personal information protection manager or person in charge, we will take immediate action.
② If a customer requests correction of an error in personal information, the site will not use or provide the personal information until the correction is completed.
③ If incorrect personal information has already been provided to a third party, we will immediately notify the third party of the result of the correction and take action to correct it.

Article 8 Withdrawal of consent to collection, use and provision of personal information

① You may withdraw your consent to the collection, use, and provision of personal information through membership registration, etc. at any time. You can immediately withdraw your consent to the collection, use, and provision of personal information by clicking “Cancel Membership” in 『Membership Information』 on the first screen of the homepage. You can contact the person in charge of personal information protection in writing, by phone, or by email (E- If you contact us by email, etc., the site will immediately take the necessary steps to cancel your membership. If any action is taken, such as withdrawing consent or destroying personal information, we will notify you without delay.
② The site takes necessary measures to make withdrawal of consent to the collection of personal information (withdrawal of membership) easier than the method of collecting personal information.

Article 9 Measures to ensure the safety of personal information

In accordance with Article 29 of the Personal Information Protection Act, the site is taking the following technical/administrative and physical measures to ensure safety.

1. Encryption of personal information
The user's personal information is encrypted, stored and managed, so only the user can know it. Separate security functions such as encrypting files and transmission data or using the file lock function are used for important data.

2. Technical measures against hacking, etc.
To prevent leakage and damage of personal information due to hacking or computer viruses, the site installs security programs, performs periodic updates and inspections, and installs systems in areas where access from the outside is controlled, and is technically/physically monitored and blocked.

Article 10 Protection of personal information of children under 14 years of age

The site believes that protecting children's personal information in the online environment is also important, and the site does not accept membership from children under the age of 14 who require the consent of a legal representative. If a child under the age of 14 signs up for the site or provides personal information due to identity theft or system abuse, the legal representative can exercise all rights.

Article 11 Personal information protection officer

We are responsible for overall management of the site's personal information processing, and have designated a personal information protection officer as follows to handle user complaints and provide relief for damages related to personal information processing.

▶ Personal Information Protection Manager
- Name: Choi Kwon-neung
- Rank: Representative
- Contact: 010-6578-0316

If you need to report or consult about a personal information infringement, please contact the Korea Information Security Agency (KISA) Personal Information Infringement Reporting Center. Additionally, if you have suffered financial or mental damage due to a personal information infringement, you can apply for damage relief to the Korea Information Security Agency (KISA) Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee.

- KISA Personal Information Protection ( / (without area code) 118)
- National Police Agency Cyber ​​Security Bureau ( (without area code) 182)
- Supreme Prosecutors' Office Cyber ​​Investigation Division ( / 02-3480-3570)
- Personal Information Infringement Reporting Center (operated by the Korea Internet & Security Agency) ( / (without area code) 118)
- Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee (operated by the Korea Internet & Security Agency) ( / 1833-6972)

Article 12 Changes to personal information processing policy

This personal information processing policy is applied from the effective date, and if there are additions, deletions, or corrections of changes in accordance with laws and policies, they will be notified through notices 7 days prior to the implementation of the changes.

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